With a rich history in Japanese tradition, Mitsubishi is one of the most venerated names in global industry. However, the company’s U.S. headquarters, located in the heart of upscale Midtown Manhattan, relied on a lackluster collection of disparate pieces of outdated equipment to drive its collaboration spaces. As a company known for innovation and performance, Mitsubishi turned to Diversified’s team of experts to put their room capabilities in overdrive.
The company’s board of directors hold meetings regularly, complete with visual data, video, audio and remote attendee participation. The biggest challenge was how to comfortably seat more than 21 board members, guests, presenters and staff while guaranteeing everyone can properly see and hear the presentation. With a 50’ long table and a ceiling height of less than 9’, it was impossible to install a screen large enough or properly positioned to meet everyone’s needs around the table. Instead, the team brought the content to each participant with individual displays, installing 21” LCDs and microphones at each seat that, with the touch of a single button, rise in a smooth, synchronized motion, then turn on and tilt to the preferred viewing angle.
For enhanced engagement, seven pan/tilt/zoom cameras were strategically placed around the room to help bring remote attendees truly into the meeting environment, each with preprogrammed presets that are activated with the simple touch of a button. Diversified programmers calculated which of the cameras would provide the best shot, with minimal camera movement, and fit that into the control code. Further, the adjacent control room is fitted with a one-way mirror, permitting technical support to confirm that all systems are functioning without disruption or intrusion. Should a technical failure occur, several back-up systems provide seamless cutover. Smaller conference rooms complete the space, each fitted with similar technology to serve as overflow. A digital signage system was also added, guiding people to appropriate meeting rooms and providing timely delivery of important messages.
The new conference center allows management to communicate and share information in ways that were unimaginable before. For the first time, participants anywhere in the world can truly contribute to the conversation rather than being relegated to a silent observer.