Cubic Corporation is an international technology company serving military, police and public transit agencies. Cubic’s three business divisions rely heavily on teams working in engineering, sales, finance, logistics and human resources. Senior communications administrator, Brian Feldmann, says that his priority is to help these teams work effectively.
To simplify long-distance interactions, Feldmann and the Diversified team have created AV standards for rooms of varying size, all of which incorporate video conferencing:
There’s also a standard for flagship rooms, client demo areas and large combinable conference rooms. All rooms have specialized capabilities but start with base components and an extremely similar user interface for continuity and ease of use.
Diversified sees its role as supporting and simplifying the work of Feldmann and his team. Diversified handles all custom engineering and provides Feldmann with the drawings and schematics he needs. We program the control system and DSP, assemble the equipment racks in advance and pack them up as kits with the displays, touch panels, cameras, microphones and all necessary cables and connectors.
We then ship the kits on a just-in-time basis, so they arrive a few days before the installation. The Diversified partnership is meeting Cubic’s expanding communication and collaboration needs across the United States as well as sites overseas.