Brickworks engaged Diversified to design and deliver the AV system for their stylish design studio in the heart of Sydney’s architectural market. This audio visual multi-purpose studio serves as both a shop floor for their extensive range of building products as well as an elegant venue for industry networking events.
The audio solution designed for Brickworks includes the compact, yet high-powered NEXO ID Series speakers. The audio system is driven by the Biamp TesiraFORTÉ VT digital audio server with Dante networking, that allows for the automated functionality of regular showroom use in the day, as well as microphone and laptop audio for events without an operator.
For more sophisticated, manual audio control required for studio events, the Yamaha QL1 Digital Mixing Console provides all-in-one mixing, processing and routing.
For video distribution the Crestron DigitalMedia™ NVX Series is a Video-over-IP system with 4:4:4 color space rendering, 4K resolution and built-in KVM capabilities that offers complete flexibility when sending video signals anywhere.
Control and automation of the equipment across the space is through the intuitive Crestron CP3, 3-Series control system, which is teamed with Crestron 10” hardwired touch screen controllers. This provides both basic functions such as input selection and background music control and more advanced actions like the routing of audio and video signals.
The core system was built with the utmost flexibility, having fully-automatic, semi-automatic and fully manual modes to suit the studio’s dual purposes and ensure operational ease for all users.