The Washington Department of Transportation, Traffic Management Center’s (TMC) mission is to make roads more safe and efficient through management of roadside cameras, ramp meters, variable message signs, speed and lane control signs, and radios. When the traffic management center outgrew its building – as well as the size of its roadway monitoring system – the staff realized it was time not just for a physical upgrade, but a TMC technology integration and upgrade, too. The project called for management and display of 750 live video feeds from across the WSDOT system. The live feeds are used throughout the facility in the Operations Center, Media Viewing Room, Situation Room and in management offices.
This was a multi-phase project taking place over 9 months that required the Diversified project management and integration teams to work seamlessly with WSDOT and the general contractor. Utilizing a client-centric project management and communication process, Diversified anticipated and resolved structural and aesthetic issues to deliver the project on time and to the client’s expectations.
During phase 1 of the project, Diversified discovered the sheet metal in the Operation Center’s false wall built to hold the 90 Peerless SmartMount® video wall brackets and NEC P463 displays, didn’t go up as high as needed for seismic requirements. The team worked with the client and general contractor to resolve the issue.
For phase 2 of the Operations Center, Diversified integrated the 3×4 NEC P463 video wall while the TMC was fully operational and collaborated with WSDOT to ensure the least possible disruption to the traffic engineers. Lastly, Diversified partnered on configuration and training of the Barco CMS collaboration software and TransForm N streaming video input node that make up the networked visualization solution which drives the video wall content.
The Washington Department of Transportation is very pleased with the new, high-tech environment which has been working seamlessly 24/7/365 since completion and enables traffic management associates to efficiently monitor real-time video of traffic conditions and control area roadways.