Through a portfolio of more than 600 programs, the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) conducts research and development for projects of national and global significance. JHU has invested in renovations and expansion of the APL so that the majority of their scientific and engineering staff can be in one location—convenient to outside clients and colleagues—and increase efficiency of operations. The Laboratory is located on 399 acres and employs approximately 5,000 engineers, scientists, and supporting staff in a broad range of disciplines.
Diversified provided AV system design, install and project management for the APL’s SECAN and QNA Labs. Our solution for the SECAN Lab included an Operations Control Center Wall Display, Command and Control Console and Display Management Infrastructure (DMI), for deployment and usage as the primary user interface to its Control Center System. The concept of the QNA Lab AV design was to ensure user friendliness, visibility, audibility and cost effectiveness. The entire solution is based around a two-operator workstation that houses mini PCs with web cameras with built-in microphones for engagement in web conferencing. Diversified also provided a primary video display system based on 84” monitors that feature interactive touch screens.
Additionally, Diversified was contracted to manage the security analytics in the QNA Lab, providing a surveillance solution to emulate a live video scenario from the field.
The AV and electronic security systems installed for the JHU APL, executed within expedited timelines, are now used by University staff for the advancement of scientific technology solutions.